The country I would like to visit

The country I would like to visit the most is England. I really would like to visit Liverpool because as I´ve seen in movies, there are very beautiful streets and they have an amazing culture. Also I have a friend who lives there and she has told me great things about England and that she has a really great lifestyle there.

Another reason I would like to visit England is to go to see a football match of Liverpool.F.C. against any other team. I think it would be an amazing experience to see a premier league match.

I would definitely take a tour about Beatles Band going to the bars were they used to play or the houses where they lived. Because I think they were a band that influenced a lot on the british people and also they made great music.

I hope I can go to Liverpool one day, if you know more about England or Liverpool please let me know in the comments.



  1. Wow! England is a great country to visit. I have a friend living there now and she says wonderful things every time. I hope you can go very soon c:

  2. How many times have you visited England?

  3. England is a country with to much culture and, so many beautiful and interesting places!!


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